Collin Leiber


Succesfully defended my PhD thesis

Published 28.05.2024
I am happy to share that I succesfully defended my PhD on the topic of 'Clustering in Transformed Feature Spaces by Analyzing Distinct Modes'. You can check it out here.

Tutorial on "Application of Deep Clustering Algorithms" at CIKM 2023

Published 25.03.2024
We held a tutorial on "Application of Deep Clustering Algorithms" at the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2023) in Birmingham last year. You can find more information about that on the corresponding website.

ClustPy: A Python library for advanced clustering algorithms

Published 08.05.2023
ClustPy provides a number of Python implementations of interesting clustering algorithms. This serves the purpose of making lesser known methods accessible to a larger group. If you are interested in clustering, check it out here.