Collin Leiber

About Me

I am a Postdoc at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, and a member of the Munich Center for Machine Learning (MCML). I received my PhD from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München on the topic ‘Clustering in Transformed Feature Spaces by Analyzing Distinct Modes’ in April 2024. My current research interests focus on data mining and unsupervised learning. In particular, I am working on the question of how to simplify the parameterization of clustering techniques in complex environments, such as deep clustering and alternative clustering. For this purpose, I research both statistic-based methods and those based on information theory. Furthermore, I am the main developer of the open-source ClustPy package.

Link to my university website.

Research Interests
  • Estimating the Number of Clusters
  • Hartigan's Dip-Test of Unimodality
  • Deep Clustering
  • (Common) Subspace Clustering
  • Non-Redundant/Alternative Clustering
  • Information Theoretic Clustering